Thursday, August 29, 2013

BBM for iPhone and Android semi-functional launch page goes live

We’ve known for some time that a BBM app for Android and iOS will be coming, but nothing had been set in stone as far as launch dates go. Last week, user guides for both varieties of mobile operating systems leaked, hinting that BlackBerry messenger would likely be arriving soon, and that conclusion seems to have been spot-on, with a landing page going live over on BB’s website briefly.
BBM app for Android and iPhones
BBM App for Android and iPhones

To familiarize users of Android and iPhones with the BlackBerry-centric messaging service, BlackBerry has created a basic sign-up-for-notifications page that allows the curious to sign up for notification about the app’s launch. In addition to that is a link to a BBM support page that contains, among other things, a full user guide for the service.

Not too long ago, however, someone apparently pulled the trigger too soon and a semi-functional launch page was posted, complete with links to download the Android and iOS versions of the app (that didn’t link to anything yet). That URL now redirects to the notification sign up page, but the folks over at Crackberry managed to grab a screenshot of the launch page before BlackBerry pulled it.

And with that — considering the semi-functional page, leaked user guides, and whatnot — it seems we can expect an official launch any day now. There’s still no word on when the apps will be available, however, so those who have been waiting patiently will need to keep doing so. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

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